Saturday 21 May 2016


The following post elucidates one of the simplest ways of washing your car on a Saturday afternoon or any other day that you’d wish to. Many people take their cars to the nice ‘car wash’ places in their areas, this post is still for you as it enlightens you on the areas that you would check/inspect whether your car is being cleaned professionally.
Firstly let us focus on the areas that are often overlooked when washing your car; accumulation of dirt in these areas may destroy your car and lead to proliferation of rust that eventually damages your car.
They include:

  • ·        Around the headlights
  • ·        Behind the bumper
  • ·        Inside door edges
  • ·        Door hinges
  • ·        Wheel arches
  • ·       Lowers sills and behind the side skirts.
  • ·        Rim crevices
  • ·        Side mirrors
  • ·        Window surrounds
These areas should be accorded sufficient attention to ensure that they clean for the overall health of your car.
Washing Your Car Exterior (recommended way)
10 simple steps to clean your car exterior.
1.      Do not wipe dry, the dirt scrubs your paint leaving nasty scratches on it Use plenty of clean water (tip).
2.      Wash your car in shade, too much heat dries the soapy water too quick leaving horrible smudges that are bad for the paint job (tip).
3.      Shut the doors and ensure the windows are closed completely.
4.      A garden hose is the best tool for pouring water onto your car, but in the event of unavailability, a bucket will be good too.
5.      pour a lot of water on the car including the undercarriage.
6.      Using the water with shampoo, clean your car starting with the roof and bonnet. Starting with the upper sections of the vehicle is recommended to avoid dirt on the already cleaned parts. Shampoo or detergent is suitable since it removes a wide array of dirt ranging from oil smudges and dust.
7.      Clean the windows with a clean sponge/cloth and ensure to lift the wipers off the windscreen.
8.      Using a stiff brush, clean behind the plastic bumpers moldings and wheels. A cloth should be used to clean the rims. Ensure to clean the rim crevices properly.
9.      Rinse the vehicle with a generous supply of water to ensure all the dislodged dirt is completely washed away. Lots of water is needed, that’s why many car wash stations in Kenya are located proximal to water streams.
10.  Check for stubborn stains that may have resisted the shampoo and finally wipe dry using a dry cotton cloth.
5 quick steps.

  1.    Remove the mats carefully so that the dirt on them does not fall on the car floor.
  2.    Once outside, clean the rubber mats with a stiff brush and plenty of shampoo. Rinse them and place them on a clean surface in the shade for them to dry. Placing them in sunlight discolors them and makes them prone to wear and tear.
  3.   Wipe the seat with a damp cloth; any stubborn stains should be removed with a little quantity of shampoo.
  4.   Clean the dashboard carefully to remove any dust and ‘finger oil’ smudges.
  5.   Wipe the windows with a damp cloth (from the inside). Leave the doors open for air circulation and drying.
The steps outlined above are for a quick wash, a thorough cleaning of your car includes engine wash and washing the under-carriage and applying sealant.

Friday 20 May 2016

Car Guys Kenya

Car Guys Kenya is a blog that intends to nourish the hunger for information to all the car owners, 'want to have a car' people and dreamers. The blog is dedicated to provide firsthand knowledge that is both dependable and makes sense.
Have you ever visited the mechanic and they told you that the engine’s ancillary parts need regular checkup?
“Yes, you came to the right place to find all the answers.”
“No, you definitely need a vehicle! And you also came to the right place because I will help you make the hardest decision in the world that you will hardly regret.”
Are you visiting Kenya for the first time and you need a vehicle for getting around? Don’t worry; Car Guys Kenya will give you the best advice on what car to get that will carry you around safely, pocket friendly and comfortably on the Kenyan roads, both tarmac and off-road.
The blog focuses on the following topics and fields:
·        Car parts
·        Vehicle systems demystified
·        Vehicle reviews
·        Automobile events
·        Best roads in Kenya to drive on
·        Vehicle comparisons
·        Customized rides